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Beth Churchill

Beth Churchill
Phone: 503-391-2639
Groups: Science,Math

Mrs. Churchill earned her Bachelor of Science in General Science from Grinnell College and then her Master in Science Physics from West Virginia University.  She went on to earn her teaching license at Western Oregon University.  Before moving to Oregon, she taught high school in New Jersey and West Virginia, and K-12 in Colorado.  She taught college students at San Diego State University.  Once in Oregon, she took a break from teaching to raise five children. 

Before coming to Blanchet, Mrs. Churchill taught at Regis, in Salem-Kaiser, and Woodburn.  At Blanchet, she teaches middle school science (6 and 8), Religion 7, and AP Physics.  She has also taught pre-algebra, algebra, and band and was the advisor for Science Olympiad and the Gospel Club.