At Blanchet Catholic School, clubs have been established to meet the needs of our students. We have several clubs with both mid high and high school students; however, most clubs are at the high school level. As we grow, additional clubs or groups can be formed in accordance with Oregon Schools Activities Association guidelines. A group of students with a similar interest may petition the student government and administration to become a club. If they meet qualifications and are approved a club may be formed.
Please note: Several Blanchet clubs require students to apply for membership. Clubs are introduced at an assembly at the beginning of the school year. If students have any questions about participation or requirements, they are encouraged to contact the club advisor.
Click on a club below for details and a video introduction! Click here for a brochure of all of Blanchet's clubs.
- American Sign Language Club
- Bible Study Club
- Campus Ambassadors
- Caretakers of the Environment International (CEI)
- Chess Club
- Choir
- Craft Club
- Digital Media
- eSports
- Friends of Benedictine
- Glamour Gals Club
- HOSA Future Health Professionals
- International Thespian Society
- Model UN
- National Honor Society
- Newspaper Club
- OBOB - Oregon Battle of the Books
- Orchestra
- Outdoor Club
- Robotics
- Science Olympiad
- Spanish Club
- Speech & Debate
- Spirit Club
- Spirituality Team
- Student Council - MidHigh
- Student Council - High School
- Students for Change
- Tri-M Music Honor Society

Blanchet's American Sign Language Club is a great opportunity to learn and practice ASL. The club aims to create a supportive environment for all students interested in ASL. Both mid high and high school students are welcome. The club meets monthly in Mr. Ed Robert's classroom.
Participants: Both mid high and high school students
To Apply: See Mr. Ed Roberts
Advisor: Mr. Ed Roberts

Our Bible Study Club meets every Friday at lunch to discuss the Sunday readings. This club is open to middle school and high school students and Blanchet faculty and staff. During club meetings, we discuss the historical context of the readings and make connections between the Old and New Testaments. The club aims to grow in faith and love of Jesus Christ through His Sacred Scripture.
Participants: Both mid high and high school students
To Apply: Come to a Friday Meeting
High School Club Advisor: Mrs. Jaclyn Becker
Mid High Club Advisor: Mrs. Lori Martino

Campus Ambassadors are student volunteers who serve as tour guides and hosts/hostesses for student visitations and special events. Volunteers greet guests and welcome visitors at special events, and show potential students around campus. Ambassadors can also sign up to be help shadow students (visiting students interested in attending Blanchet) during in-person learning.
Participants: Both mid high and high school students can serve as campus ambassadors.
To Apply: If you're interested in being a Blanchet Campus Ambassador, you may apply online or contact Mrs. Becker.
Advisor: Mrs. Jaclyn Becker

Blanchet’s new CEI Club (Caretakers of the Environment International) is for both mid high and high school students. They work to enable students to see the planet as one interdependent environment. They work to exchange concerns, ideas, strategies, actions and projects in the field of environmental education and to share environmental concerns.
Participants: Both mid high and high school students
To Apply: See advisor Dr. Micki Halsey-Randall.
Advisor: Dr. Micki Halsey-Randall

The purpose of the club is to learn more about chess, get better at it, and have fun meeting new classmates that share a common interest. Chess club meets in Room 230 during lunch during the week. All Blanchet students are welcome, both mid high and high school and from beginners to experienced players!
Participants: Both mid high and high school students
To Apply: Attend a lunch meeting
Advisor: Mr. Harry Ahn

The choir is open to all students with a passion for singing. The choir sings at all school Masses, participates in music contests and festivals, performs at community events and collaborates with the Blanchet band to present four concerts annually. High school meets Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Mid high meets Tuesday and Thursday.
Participants: Both mid high and high school students
To Apply: See advisor Mrs. Kandi West
Advisor: Mrs. Kandi West

DECA is a national organization for high school students studying marketing, management, and entrepreneurship in secondary schools. DECA is primarily a co-curricular activity where students learn to conduct marketing research projects, promotion plans, start-up businesses, and encounter realistic workplace challenges. The experience-based activities require students to use both basic and higher academic skills such as writing, math, economics, social science, communication, presentation, research, and data analysis.
Participants: High school students
To Apply: Download an application or see Mr. Mark Risen. Students wishing to be a part of the DECA leadership team should see the advisor for an additional application and guidelines.
Advisor: Mr. Mark Risen

In Digital Media students work on various forms of digital media to develop, design and present a variety of projects. They meet from 7:45 am to 8:30 am, Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Participants: Any Blanchet student in grades 6 through 12 can join the Digital Media class.
To Apply: Email Mr. Wise to have Digital Media added to your schedule.
Advisor: Mr. David Morse

eSports Club is an organized and competitive arena for students to play video games and develop skills. Students will develop teamwork skills through competitions and organizational skills through managing those competitions and practices.
Participants: Students 6th through 12th grade may join any time during the year. Practices will take place after school in the Makerspace.
To Apply: Sign-up permission forms are available at the main office.
Advisor: Mr. Robert Krause

Friends of Benedictine members are students who enjoy interacting with the elderly. Club members visit with nursing home residents at the Providence-Benedictine Nursing Center in Mt. Angel, OR twice a month. Members participate in activities with the residents, such as field trips to the Oregon Garden, the Oregon Zoo and restaurant outings.
Participants: Only high school students are allowed to participate in FOB. Students do not receive school service hours for participating in Friends of Benedictine. Students must maintain a minimum of a C- GPA and be able to miss class twice a month to visit Mt. Angel.
To apply: To be considered, students must complete an application and turn it in to FOB Advisor Mrs. Lieder. Students are selected based on the criteria listed on the application form. Students who were members last year are required to reapply if they are interested in participating again. Contact Mrs. Lieder if you have questions.
Advisor: Mrs. Edith Galvez

Blanchet's Glamour Gals Club began in 2024. Each chapter is led by an all-volunteer leadership team that engages directly with senior centers, recruits new members and schedules activities in their local community. Students trade stories with seniors during visits. This helps increase our volunteers’ emotional intelligence, and understand the humanity and beauty in others.
Participants: Glamour Gals is for Blanchet High School students.
To Apply: If you want to join Glamour Gals, contact Mrs. Toni Nanneman.
Advisor: Mrs. Toni Nanneman

Blanchet's G.O.S.P.E.L. (Go Out Spreading Peace Encouraging Love) club works to build relationships between the senior residents of Lancaster Village Retirement and Assisted Living Center and Blanchet's middle school students. We are working on an “Adopt A Grandparent Project,” a Thanksgiving celebration, and a Christmas craft project. Our main priority is to form lasting relationships for both the residents and our students. We recently won The Schnitzer Spirit of Unity Award. This award is given out by the Wholistic Peace Institute which has granted us $500 to get our program up and running.
Participants: Mid-High students are allowed to participate in GOSPEL. Students do not receive school service hours for participating in Gospel. Students must maintain a minimum of a C- GPA and be able to attend a monthly after-school visit to Lancaster Village.
To apply: Students must contact the advisor.
Advisor: Mrs. Lori Martino

HOSA is a global student-led organization. HOSA’s mission is to empower students to become leaders in the global health community, through education, collaboration, and experience. HOSA actively promotes career opportunities in the health industry and enhances the delivery of quality health care to all people.
Participants: This club is open to all Blanchet students, grades 9 through 12.
To Apply: Please email
Advisor: Mrs. Valerie Lemmon

Blanchet's International Thespian Society involves community outreach, school spirit, student equity, and theater events. ITS is a fun and interactive club that provides a unique bonding experience with fellow thespians.
Participants: Blanchet’s International Thespian Society is open to high school students who participate in our school’s theater program.
To Apply: Please see Advisor Mrs. Kasey Roberts
Advisor: Mrs. Kasey Roberts

Model UN is for Blanchet high school students. Its participants take the roles of ambassadors from various countries and debate current issues. Model UN was developed in the 1950s as a way to give students hands-on learning in international relations, diplomacy, and the United Nations. If you join Model UN, you will be doing a variety of activities, including researching, debating, and coming up with solutions with members of other countries.
Participants: This club is open to all Blanchet students, grade 9 through 12.
To Apply: Please email
Advisor: Mrs. Shayla Brown

As an NHS member, you can get ready for whatever comes your way after high school. To help prepare you for college and your career, you’ll have exclusive access to robust tools and resources: leadership development, motivation, and inspiration gained through our chapter’s work; access to innovative leadership cultivation and career exploration; service projects, both by the chapter and individual, allow members to build teamwork capabilities, hone project management aptitude, and make friends—all valuable life skills; unique member-only college admission resources, integrating web and social media platforms; help with financing college education through a members-only scholarship search tool and the NHS Scholarship program.
Participants: Juniors and seniors with a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 or higher are eligible for National Honor Society membership. Students must also demonstrate the National Honor Society characteristics: Scholarship, Service, Leadership & Character. Members participate in service projects throughout the year. This group also coordinates two American Red Cross blood drives on campus annually.
To apply: Students who qualify are notified and invited to complete the NHS application.
Advisor: Mr. Harry Ahn

Blanchet’s Cavalier Voice Newspaper Club is for high school students only. They strive to represent the student voices of Blanchet and have them heard. The club meets once a week during lunch with occasional after/before school meetings. There are no requirements for membership, only that you attend meetings, communicate and complete tasks on time. Sign up by attending the first meetings in Ms. Norton’s classroom.
Participants: Blanchet high school students
Apply: Attend a lunch meeting
Advisor: Ms. Alena Willbur

Oregon Battle of the Books encourages and celebrates students interested in reading. Each year, a committee selects books from nominations. Students in the club read the books (12 titles for high school, 16 titles for middle school) and discuss them in the club meetings. In March, teams from each participating school battle at a regional event.
In preparation for the regional battle, the club meets twice per week during lunch to discuss the books and hold mock battles. Students can read any or all of the books on the list on their own time, including during SUMMER! We have a set of books for each level students may check out during the school year and the local libraries stock extra copies of OBOB books, too. Get a jump start by visiting your library during the summer to read a few great titles.
“OBOB’s mission is to encourage and recognize students who enjoy reading, to broaden reading interests, to increase reading comprehension, promote academic excellence, and to promote cooperative learning and teamwork among students.”
Participants: We will have two teams this year — one at the middle school level and one at the high school level. Anyone with an interest in reading and being a part of this club is welcome and encouraged to join us.
To Apply: You can start reading NOW and attend the first meeting in the fall. All students interested in being part of OBOB will be welcome. The official battle at Regionals allows only 5 students to participate, however, there is no limit to the number of students allowed on the team before Regionals. ALL ARE WELCOME!
Advisor: Dr. Micki Halsey Randall (HS) and Mrs. Toni Nanneman (MH)
NOTE: The titles chosen by OBOB (Oregon Battle of the Books) have been selected by a committee based on nominations. Blanchet Catholic School has no influence on the selection of these titles. No student in the club is required to read any title he/she or a parent finds of concern. A decision not to read a book, based on concerns over content, will not prevent a student from participating in the club.
2021-2022 Reading List
9th to 12th Grade Division
- A Different Drummer by William Melvin Kelley
- Dread Nation by Justina Ireland
- Dry by Neal & Jarrod Shusterman
- The Field Guide to the North American Teenager by Ben Philippe
- Hey, Kiddo by Jarrett J. Krosoczka
- Let Me Hear a Rhyme by Tiffany D. Jackson
- Lovely War by Julie Berry
- Moxie by Jennifer Mathieu
- Patron Saints of Nothing by Randy Ribay
- Pumpkinheads by Rainbow Rowell & Faith Erin Hicks
- Spellslinger by Sebastien de Castell
- Thorn by Intisar Khanani
6th to 8th Grade Division
- Akata Witch by Nnedi Okorafor
- Almost American Girl by Robin Ha
- Archimancy by J.A. White
- Arlo Finch in the Valley of Fire by John August
- The Best at It by Maulik Pancholy
- Deep Water by Watt Key
- Genesis Begins Again by Alicia D. Williams
- A Good Kind of Trouble by Lisa Moore Ramée
- It’s Trevor Noah: Born a Crime by Trevor Noah (Note: This is the Young Reader’s Edition)
- My Year in the Middle by Lila Quintero Weaver
- Nowhere Boy by Katherine Marsh
- The Remarkable Journey of Coyote Sunrise by Dan Gemeinhart
- Steelheart by Brandon Sanderson
- The Storm Runner by J.C. Cervantes
- To Night Owl from Dogfish by Holly Goldberg Sloan & Meg Wolitzer
- When Stars Are Scattered by Victoria Jamieson & Omar Mohamed

Blanchet Orchestra is open to both mid-high and high school students of all playing levels. As a string ensemble, the Blanchet Orchestra performs a variety of literature throughout the school year, taking part in the school's advent lessons and carols, spring concert, graduation, and the occasional school Mass. High school meets Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Mid high meets Tuesday and Thursday.
Participants: Blanchet students in grades 6 through 12.
Advisor: Mrs. Sigrun Oprea

The outdoor clubs mission is to grow in appreciation for all Gods creations. Through service, recreation, education, and exploration, we commit to stewardship and conservation of all things wild!
The Outdoor Club is a group of committed students whose focus is on stewardship and conservation through recreational activities. Our club is full of students who are passionate about the outdoors as well as those who wish to become more familiar with the fantastic Oregon Wild that surrounds them. By learning about the great outdoors and gaining an appreciation for our local wilderness, members will learn to be stewards of our resources through experience and service. The club is driven by its student-members who will create the year's activities and priorities. Planned trips may involve white water rafting, hiking trips, fly-fishing, and many other exciting activities. If you would like to take part in creating this year's theme and want to be a part of an adventurous and ambitious team that takes action in the community, we would love to have you on board.
Participants: Open to students in grades 9 through 12. A commitment to club meetings. A commitment to service through our club.
To Apply: An application is required. Attend our first meeting to sign up!
Advisor: Mr. David Mucken

Blanchet's Robotics club gives students an opportunity to design and build robots from the ground up and then program them for autonomous and user controlled competition. Students learn the fundamentals of engineering design and computer programming. Students work in groups based on age and experience.
Participants: Any Blanchet student in grades 6 through 12 can join the Robotics Club.
To Apply: Email Mr. Krause to join!
Advisor: Mr. Robert Krause

Blanchet’s High School and Mid High Science Olympiad Teams successfully compete at the Oregon State Science Olympiad Tournament held annually at area high schools.
- State Science Olympiad Website
- National Science Olympiad Website
- Blanchet Alumni Record Holders
- Blanchet Science Olympiad Hall of Fame
- Oregon Science Olympiad State Champions
Participants: Blanchet’s High School and Mid High Science Olympiad Teams successfully compete at the Oregon State Science Olympiad Tournament held annually at area high schools.
To Apply: Students must attend a few mandatory lunch meetings and a mandatory preparation meetings following school. They must display interest, desire, and commit to be prepared for their events. There is a $40 fee per student to cover materials and entry fees.
Advisors: Mr. Scott Meyer & Dr. Micki Halsey Randall

The Cavs Spanish Club’s mission is to promote cultural awareness, appreciation, and understanding of the Hispanic diverse communities. It also proposes to contribute and encourage the study and appreciation of the Spanish language. The Cavs Spanish club is open to all Blanchet Catholic students – Mid-high and High school. Meetings take place during lunch on Mondays and Fridays in room 142 in the East Wing building. Additional meetings may take place due to committee work and/or events.
Participants: All mid high and high school students are welcome to join the Spanish Club. It is a great way to meet new friends, have fun, and learn skills that will help you throughout life.
To Apply: Attend a lunch meeting
Advisor: Mrs. Linda Herrera and Mrs. Karen Parton Lee

The team meets once a week after school from late October through April. Speech contests usually occur on Saturdays (all day) one or two times a month. We can be flexible on the schedule, so that students can participate in other activities. We usually have people who are also competing in one or more sports, drama and other school activities.
There are four types of debate and over ten individual events, including impromptu, extemporaneous (speaking on current events), acting out scenes from a play or novel, original oratory speeches and original informative speeches. You can also read poetry or prose for dramatic effect.
Participants: All high school students are welcome to compete on Blanchet's Speech & Debate Team; no experience is necessary. It is a great way to meet new friends, have fun and learn some skills that will help you throughout life.
To Apply: To join Speech & Debate students just need to come to an organizational meeting we usually hold early in the school year or come to any practice, which we usually hold weekly.
Advisor: Mrs. Shayla Brown

Blanchet's Spirit Club is for any student, staff or facility member who is interested in school spirit! The purpose of the club is to develop a sense of belonging among our students and staff and to support our teams, clubs, and each other with our Cavalier Pride!
Participants: Any Blanchet student or employee.
To Apply: See advisor Mrs. Moore.
Advisor: Mrs. Corina Moore (MH) and Ms. Alena Willbur (HS)

Blanchet Catholic School's Spirituality Team serves to connect with the spiritual interests of the student body. Through retreats and prayer services, senior Spirituality Team leaders provide opportunities for Blanchet Catholic students to grow in their faith. Only seniors are on the spirituality team and they are selected through an application process by a designated committee the year prior to serving. The team then meets during the summer, and during the year as an early bird class "Faith in Action" to plan the retreats and prayer services.
Participants: The Spirituality Team is open to 12 grade students.
Application: Applications must be turned in the year prior to serving. See the club advisor to receive an application.
Advisor: Mrs. Danielle Wise

The Blanchet Catholic School Mid High Student Council gives students a chance to help make decisions about our school. In addition to being a wonderful learning experience, it demonstrates to the students that they have a voice in the school and that adults value their input. The biggest value of the Student Council, however, is to provide students with a model of the democratic decision-making process.
Blanchet Catholic School's Student Council is made up student representatives from each class.
Student Council members are looked upon as the voice of the student body, capable of seeing many activities and projects come into action.
Participants: Mid high Student Council members are elected once school starts in September.
To Apply: See Participant section above.
Advisor: Mrs. Corina Moore

The Blanchet Catholic School Student Council gives students a chance to help make decisions about our school. In addition to being a wonderful learning experience, it demonstrates to the students that they have a voice in the school and that adults value their input. The biggest value of the Student Council, however, is to provide students with a model of the democratic decision-making process.
Blanchet Catholic School's Student Council is made up student representatives from each class.
Student Council members are looked upon as the voice of the student body, capable of seeing many activities and projects come into action. The Blanchet Catholic School Student Council is a prominent school organization that heads many events, activities, and projects. Its members are very organized and very willing to lend a helping hand. Leadership is the key word for a successful student council, and the Blanchet Catholic School Student Council members strive to be great leaders with strong values.
What The High School Student Council Does:
- Homecoming
- Food Drives
- School Improvement
- Teacher Appreciation
- Spirit Week
- High School Dances
- A Christmas Movie Night
- Student Opinion
- Field Day
Participants: Freshman, Sophomore, Junior and Senior Student Council members are elected by the student body at the end of the prior year in May. Executive officers are elected in September by the General Council. Mid high Student Council members are elected once school starts in September.
To Apply: See Participant section above.
Advisor: Mr. Robin Smith

Students for Change is a student-based community service club from Blanchet Catholic School. The mission of the club is “Promoting positive change within the community and ourselves.” Through the mission of shared growth between the community and students, we hoped to further a culture of giving among students while making an impact in the community. Our vision for Students for Change is a community service club which will possess strong, deep relationships with various service organizations in the community. Members of the club will participate in various community service events in the community, raise money for multiple fundraisers, and make connections with the needs of their community.
Participants: Students for Change is available for high school students grades 9-12.
To Apply: If you want to apply, or have any questions about the club, please contact Mrs. Bashaw.
Advisor: Mrs. Sherrie Bashaw

The Tri-M Music Honor Society is a program of the National Association for Music Education (NAfME), which focuses on creating future leaders in music education and music advocacy. Tri-M is the only music honor society for middle school and high school students in the country.
Participants: Tri-M Music Honor Society is open to students in grades 6-12.
Application: Students must have a cumulative 3.0 GPA
Advisor: Mrs. Kandi West