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Posts Tagged "tuition"

Let's Talk Tuition

March 10, 2020
By Tori Hittner

The price tag of a private school education often deters families who would otherwise be an excellent fit from completing their student’s application. Every year, we field lots of questions regarding scholarships and tuition assistance opportunities. At Blanchet, we strive to ensure that every student who wishes to work hard and be a part of our community should be able to do so. Here’s how the tuition assistance program at our school works. 

Driven by Generosity

Support from our community and donors allows us to set tuition at a level less than the actual cost of a Blanchet education—and provide more than $340,000 in tuition assistance per year. Cost is often perceived as a prohibitive factor for many families throughout the application process; in reality, roughly 40% of Blanchet families receive some amount of assistance toward tuition. It is important to remember that tuition assistance is limited, and therefore it is vital that families submit their tuition requests in a timely and complete manner each year.

Understanding the Process

Tuition assistance is distributed under the following considerations: the results of the processing of tuition assistance forms by a third-party grant management service; the input of members of the school’s Tuition Assistance Committee; and the amount of annual funds budgeted by the school for tuition assistance. Award letters are usually sent to families by April (April 17 for the 2020-21 school year).

Families who disagree with the amount of assistance granted have two options: write a letter to the school’s Tuition Assistance Committee detailing any extraordinary factors that affect their ability to pay or work off part of their tuition by completing tasks for which the school would otherwise contract out. You can find more information about the process in our Student-Parent Handbook.

Meeting the Qualifications

In order to be eligible and considered for tuition assistance, families and students must do the following:

  • Complete the FACTS Tuition Assistance Application and submit it via the FACTS system (including the $40 fee) by the designated date (March 20 for the 2020-21 school year).
  • If you’re a current student: complete the online re-enrollment packet. If you’re a new student: complete the online application process.
  • If you’re a current student: maintain an unweighted GPA of 1.7 or greater. If you’re a new student: finish with an unweighted GPA of 1.7 or greater at your prior school.
  • Pay the comprehensive fee of $425 for each student to be enrolled.
  • Be current on tuition payments for the current school year, or have made arrangements for a payment plan to get current with Mr. Weber.

We want to continue to foster a community of excellence and character at Blanchet, and that means admitting the students who are the best fit for our school, no matter their financial contribution. Our established tuition assistance program allows us to fulfill this mission to the best of our abilities, thanks to the generosity of our supporters.