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Posts Tagged "tour"

Cavalier Mid High Students Travel to Washington D.C. and New York City

May 13, 2024
By Corina Moore

On Saturday, March 23, twenty-one 8th grade students, parents, and chaperons took a red-eye flight out of PDX bound for Washington D.C.  In the wee hours of the morning, the plane landed at Dulles International Airport, and they hit the ground running.  Arlington National Cemetery, Smithsonian, National Monuments and Memorials, Ford's Theatre and the Petersen house, the Holocaust Museum, Mt. Vernon, Capital Hill, and bus-ride destination hunts were among the treasures in Washington D.C.  New York brought Central Park, St. Patrick's Cathedral, Rockefeller Center, Top of the Rock, Ellis Island, The Statue of Liberty, Trinity Church, The 9/11 Museum, the hit Broadway show, HAMILTON, the Brooklyn Bridge, Greenwich Village, lots of steps, multiple subway rides, good food, and even better company along the way!

A Few Student Quotes:  

“New York was such a blast.  My favorite experience on this expedition was going to the hit sensation Broadway show, Hamilton.” ~ Finn Avison

"I liked that we were able to experience so many different things, and I appreciated the knowledge shared by our tour guides, Robbie and Brenden." ~ Lex Haessler

"I loved getting to walk the Brooklyn Bridge and the city view of all of New York.  I really appreciated the experience I was given on this trip." ~ Rylie Poissant

“I am really grateful to have experienced so many new things with some of my favorite people.  I appreciated the free time as well.” ~ Frances Binford-Ross

For future travelers, Diego Rocha-Ibarra said, "Take a lot of pictures, so you can share the experience with your parents, and enjoy it while you are in it because it goes fast."

Planning for next year's trip has already begun.  If you and your family are interested in learning more about the opportunity, please attend the informational meeting on Tuesday, May 21 at 5:30 p.m.  You can RSVP for the meeting using the following link:  

Informational Flyer


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What to Expect at the 2020 Open House

February 27, 2020
By Tori Hittner

Attending Blanchet means being part of a family--and we’re always looking to invite new members! On Sunday, March 15, we’ll be opening our doors from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. for our annual Open House. We welcome interested families and community members to drop in throughout the event, although we recommend arriving by 2:15 if you want to catch everything! Read on to see what to expect at this year’s Open House. 

Get Acquainted

Upon arrival, please check in at the registration table. We’ll have administrators on hand to welcome you to campus, and learn a little more about you and your prospective student, as well. From there, you’ll be invited to watch a short introductory video and (if you arrive toward the beginning of the event) listen to a testimonial from a current parent.

Meet Staff and Students

The Lee Student Center will be your epicenter for information. Our teachers, administrators, coaches, and club advisors will be available at individual tables to answer your questions and showcase class materials and club projects. We organize the room by subject area, making it easy for you to speak with teachers of the same department and see how the transition process works from course to course and year to year. 

In addition to academic information, the Student Center also serves as an excellent spot to learn more about the co-curricular opportunities Blanchet offers. You’ll have the chance to chat with current students involved in various activities, from athletics to the arts. One of the best assets of a Blanchet education is the well-rounded, co-curricular experience we offer students; the Open House provides the perfect place to discover opportunities your son or daughter could take advantage of and enjoy.

Take a Campus Tour

Tours will be leaving from the Student Center every 20-30 minutes, so join one whenever you wish. Each tour will be led by a faculty or staff member, as well as a student ambassador. You’ll be able to walk around the whole campus, from the new field and weight room to our science building. We invite you to ask questions of your tour guides as they come up throughout your walk; our students and staff are excellent resources for information.

The student store will also be open and handing out swag, so make sure you pop by to get properly geared up to be a Cavalier!

Experience Classroom Demonstrations

While on your tour, you’ll visit key creative spaces like the art room, theater, and MakerSpace. At these locations, you’ll have the opportunity to experience a few of the opportunities available to Blanchet students firsthand: enjoy a scene from our high school spring drama production; view a variety of student art mediums and installations; and watch demonstrations from our Science Olympiad team. 

Get Administrative Questions Answered

We understand you’ll probably have lingering questions at the end of the day, and our administrative staff will be there to help! Both admissions and financial aid tables will be set up in the Student Center, and our CFO, Principal, President, and Director of Admissions will be there to provide any further information on tuition assistance and the enrollment process you may request. 

We often have families who are ready to join the Cavalier community that afternoon. Should you be ready to begin your application at Open House, our administrators will have tablets readily available, and they can walk you through the process.

So, are you ready? It’s time to discover what Blanchet could mean to you. We look forward to seeing you at Open House and are excited to welcome your family onto campus!

What to Expect on Your Shadow Visit

January 29, 2020
By Tori Hittner

If you’ve scheduled a day to visit Blanchet and shadow a current student, we hope you’re excited! We understand there can also be some nerves involved, too. Because preparation helps with anticipation, we’ve outlined what you can expect on your scheduled shadow visit.


When you arrive on campus, check in with Mrs. Anglemier at the front reception desk. Mrs. Johnston (Director of Admissions), Mr. Smith (Principal), or Mr. Weber (President) will be there to greet and welcome you. First period begins at 8:35 a.m., so make you sure arrive with plenty of time to get settled and fill out a little paperwork before the first bell rings!

Meet Your Student Ambassador

Mrs. Johnston, Mr. Smith, or Mr. Weber will introduce you to the student you’ll be shadowing for the day. Our student ambassadors volunteer for these positions and are often very involved in the school community—rest assured that you’ll be in great hands! You will stay with your assigned ambassador and their friends for the duration of the visit. Feel free to ask them any questions about their Blanchet experience as you go through the day.

Some parents choose to stay after drop-off for their own tour of the school. Mrs. Johnston is happy to arrange this for any families who ask. 

Attend Classes

Shadow visits can last for a full or half day. If you’re in middle school, a typical student’s schedule may look something like this: 

8:35 - 9:22          1st Period: Math

9:27 - 10:14        2nd Period: English

10:14 - 10:24      --Break--

10:24 - 11:11     3rd Period: Science

11:16 - 12:03     4th Period: Elective

12:03 - 12:33     --Lunch--

12:38 - 1:25       5th Period: Social Studies

1:30 - 2:17         6th Period: Religion

2:22 - 3:10         7th Period: P.E.

If you’re shadowing a high school student, schedules vary quite a bit depending on the grade of the student and the electives they choose. Most high schoolers, however, have the following classes in a day: Math, English, Science, History/Social Studies, and Religion. 

Your visit will include a free hot lunch; even if you choose to bring your own, you will receive a $5 ticket to purchase anything you’d like in the cafeteria during break or lunch. The mid-high students eat their lunch in the Mid-High Commons, while the high schoolers take their lunch in the Lee Student Center. Your student ambassador will stay with you through lunch, so there’s no need to navigate the halls on your own during breaks!

Finish Your Day

At the end of the day, you’ll return to the lobby to meet your parents, check out, and receive a swag bag of Blanchet gear. There will also be an administrator available to answer any questions you may still have. 

We hope you’re excited about your visit and look forward to introducing you to our Blanchet community!