News and Announcements
Blanchet's CEI Club Travels to Sweden

Blanchet’s Caretakers of the Environment International (CEI) Club traveled to Landskrona, Sweden this summer for the international club’s annual conference. They spent ten days learning about environmental issues in countries all across the globe.
Attending the Caretakers of the Environment International Conference in Sweden offered invaluable opportunities for our students who are passionate about environmental conservation and sustainability. First and foremost, the conference provided a platform for networking with innovators from around the globe. This exchange of ideas fostered collaboration and partnership, enabling our students to gain insights into cutting-edge practices and research. Workshops and keynote sessions led by renowned speakers allowed our group to deepen their understanding of many critical environmental issues.
The schedule of the CEI Conference kept the team very busy and actively engaged. They took part in Swedish Midsommar traditions, participated in workshops put on by local professionals, toured the town of Landskrona, and ferried across the Oresund Strait to the island of Hven for a day of hiking, lectures, and museum tours. But, perhaps the most important event of the conference was the presentation of their two projects, Outdoor School and Elementary Earth Day. They presented to groups of international students and listened to their presentations as well. Afterwards they had round-table discussions about the situations in their respective countries and discussed ways to improve the state of our planet considering the many differences in both ecosystems and economies.
This immersive experience encouraged cross-cultural dialogue on global environmental challenges, enhancing the students’ ability to develop and advocate for innovative solutions. Our team interacted with students from countries such as Portugal, China, Turkey, North Macedonia, Sweden, and more! By attending, our students not only contribute to global environmental discourse but also gained actionable strategies and inspiration to drive meaningful change within their own communities.
