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2/27/23 - By Toni Nanneman

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Blanchet Clubs Deca SCDC
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12/1/22 - By Megan Johnston

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11/22/22 - By Megan Johnston

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Blanchet blood drive NHS service
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9/7/22 - By Toni Nanneman

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A Passion for Sport

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6/30/22 - By Jaclyn Becker

25th Annual Benefit Auction A Success!

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5/26/22 - By Toni Nanneman


Posts Tagged "electives"

Art Teacher Keeps Creativity Flowing

October 07, 2020
By Megan Johnston

When the COVID-19 pandemic closed schools this past spring, Blanchet’s teachers quickly adapted their teaching methods to help students continue their learning online.  It took a lot of planning, communication and creativity to finish out the school year. 

Luckily, Mary Heintzman, Blanchet’s visual arts teacher, is the embodiment of creativity.  She thought outside the box and helped students learn art concepts in a whole new way.  How do you teach pottery when students don’t have an art studio at home?  You use the resources they do have and challenge students to learn shape building and form with paper, plastic, and anything else they can get their hands on.  Mary worked with students to find new and clever ways to excel in drawing, painting, pottery, and photography.

Armed with her knowledge and experiences from last school year, Mary used the summer break to prepare her art classes for her current students.  She created take home art supply packets that students can use for at home learning as well as in-person classes.  She thought out every lesson she planned to teach for the year and found the items students would need to be successful.  If you stopped by her classroom this summer, you would have seen all the items she carefully curated and individually packed for each student. 


Mary also set up a special recording studio to allow students to follow her step-by-step instructions while learning online.  Her preparation for each lesson takes countless hours of set up and forethought.  She is dedicated to offering Blanchet students the opportunity to participate in the elective classes they love through online learning.    

And, if that wasn’t enough, she also spent part of her summer break working on a new art addition for Blanchet’s press box overlooking the courtyard of Mountain West Stadium.  Next time you are on campus, we highly recommend you check out the Blanchet shield and motto Mary painted for all the Cavaliers to enjoy.


5 Things to Know About Fall Semester

September 04, 2020
By Tori Hittner

While local governance prevents us from beginning the school year with in-person instruction, our staff has worked hard to prepare the best possible experience for our Blanchet community. Here are a few things to keep in mind as we start this unique school year.


1. Blanchet students will receive personalized instruction four days a week and be enrolled in the typical course load of seven classes.

Our administration developed a three-part schedule to help students stay on track and manage a normal academic workload. Mondays and Wednesdays follow a “Blue Schedule,” while Tuesdays and Thursdays follow a “Gray Schedule.” Friday is utilized as a “Work Day.” Expectations and timelines for those schedules are listed below.

Students will engage in their digital courses via Google Classroom, which can be accessed here--along with several other online resources. Blanchet will still be offering letter grades to value the effort and performance of our students.



2. Honors and AP courses are still available.

Blanchet is committed to providing a superior college preparatory education, even during digital learning. Our students have access to the same advanced classes they would in an in-person setting, with knowledgeable teachers at the ready for individualized instruction.


3. Blanchet is still offering electives.

Unlike many schools in the area, Blanchet has the opportunity to offer all of its normal elective classes. Our elective instructors worked hard over the summer to re-craft their curriculums, create take-home kits, and find other clever ways to keep students engaged.


4. Students will still be able to socialize through co-curricular activities.

Activities like athletic workouts, drama rehearsals, and club meetings are still allowed on campus under the current State of Oregon guidelines. To view the current athletic calendar for both Mid High and High School, click here. To participate in these workouts, a student must complete the Athletic Participation Form, have a current physical on file, and submit a Concussion Form. Participation in these activities is free.  

All visitors to campus will have their temperature taken and must wear face coverings at all times. 


5. Perhaps more than ever, our staff is dedicated to the success and growth of our students.

Our faculty and staff will miss seeing students in person every day; we really wanted to be on campus, too! Luckily, our small size and extensive preparation will allow us to return to in-person protocol as soon as it’s allowed. We ask that students and their families offer our teachers patience in the coming weeks, as this is an adjustment for them, as well. 

Whenever possible, we are trying to get both students and staff on campus. We are currently finalizing plans to provide in-person study halls during Cav Club time blocks. Students would be able to come to school and work on their own devices under teacher supervision.

Our development team is planning a handful of special, socially-distanced events, spirit days, and surprises to keep our community feeling connected and engaged. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us directly.